July 26, 2022
GTA Online The Criminal Enterprises has launched and whilst the majority of the content appears to be built around significant upgrades and improvements for Executives, Bikers, Nightclub Owners, and Gunrunners, there’s also a set of new missions to enjoy.
The sudden spike at the gas pumps has caught the attention of the IAA, and they suspect the corrupt Duggan petrochemical family are rigging the system in their favour, and they’re going to need you to help them put the pieces together.
Here’s everything you need to know about the mission list for Operation Paper Trail.
What Is The Operation Paper Trail Missions?
The Southern San Andreas economy is in crisis. Gas prices have spiked to their highest levels in decades, retail supply chains are in turmoil, and to top it off a ferocious heatwave is gripping the state.
The profits from soaring gas prices all seem to be flowing one way into the pockets of the most notorious oil-rich dynasty in the Los Santos area, and the International Affairs Agency (IAA) wants you to investigate.
Players will be sworn in as a new IAA Field Operative, working together with Agent ULT to investigate the local petrochemical magnates, the Duggan Petrochemical Family.
The new missions are called Operation Paper Trail and will see 1–4 players investigating the Duggans, to see if they’re behind these spiralling oil prices.
GTA Online Operation Paper Trail Mission List
Below is the list of the 6 GTA Online missions for Operation Paper Trail:
- Operation Paper Trail – Intelligence
- Operation Paper Trail – Counterintelligence
- Operation Paper Trail – Extraction
- Operation Paper Trail – Asset Seizure
- Operation Paper Trail – Operation Paper Trail
- Operation Paper Trail – Cleanup
That’s everything you need to know about the mission list for GTA Online Operation Paper Trail. If you’re looking for more GTA guides, follow the links below for more helpful tips, tricks, and explainers.
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