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Turtle BeachSeptember 12, 2022

GTA Online Movie Props: Locations, Rewards and Not Spawning Issues

Following the release of the Los Santos Summer Special update players were greeted with a strange message on the GTA Online Entry Screen that read:

“Reports of the recent break in at Solomon Richard’s personal studio say the producer is heartbroken over the theft of some of Vinewood’s most iconic props. The police have, as of yet, been unable to recover the lost property, prompting Richards himself to post a reward for any citizen willing to take up the task.”

Up until this point, Soloman Richard’s had only been seen in the events of GTA V Story mode, but the Vinewood producer had remained largely silent in the game’s online mode. However, following his break in, the producer suddenly texts to ask for help to track down his priceless movie props.

If you’ve just received this text from Soloman, you might be wondering what to do next, or where to find his movie props. No fear, we’ve a complete guide to help you track them all down, so read on and we’ll show you where to find all 10 movie props and what you get for delivering all movie props back to Soloman.

How to find Soloman’s Movie Props in GTA Online

First you should receive a text from Soloman which reads: “This is Mr Richards. Yes THE Mr Richards. There’s been a robbery at my studio. My lawyers are busy incentivizing the police, but let’s face it, the LSPD couldn’t find the hole in a donut. Besides, a case like this requires a personal touch. I hear you’re the one to call. Come to my studio and take a look.”

After you visit Soloman’s office you’ll get a second text which reads: “You see? All of my priceless collector’s pieces, gone! Quite honestly this city’s turned to a shit heap. It used to be fun being rich! Look, find the pieces, return them to the studio, and you’ll find I know how to look after my friends. May you consider that an incentive.”

Now it’s time to track down all 10 movie props. There are 10 movie props to collect, but only 7 have fixed locations. The remaining three movie props can only be collected via a random event in specific areas of the map. Once these random encounters spawn on the map, you will have a limited amount of time to get to the spawn location, marked with a light blue circle on your map.

Below is a list of the fixed locations for the 7 movie props

  • Meltdown Film Reel – Outside Solomon’s office hidden behind a trash can
  • WIFA Award – On a table in the back office of the Vanilla Unicorn Strip Club. You’ll need to pay for a private dance to get in the backrooms
  • Indian Headdress – Resting on two Urinals in the bathroom of the Diamond Casino & Resort
  • Alien Head – At the top of the ‘Beam Me Up’ mural in Sandy Shores
  • Mummy Head – Left on the porch of an old house just off Route 68. It’s near the border of Great Chaparral and Gran Senora Desert
  • Clapperboard – Sat on a desk in the air traffic control tower at Fort Zancudo
  • Monster Head – Left on a large rock west of the Altruist Camp on Chiliad Mountain

If you want to know where to find the 3 random event locations, those are on a map further down. If you’re having trouble getting the events to spawn, then keep switching sessions (Public, Invite-Only, Crew, etc) until the event spawns on the map for you.

GTA Online Movie Prop Map Locations

If you need help finding Solomon Richard’s Movie Prop locations, don’t fear because there’s a map for that! Just below is a map showing you the locations of all GTA Online Movie Prop locations. As we’ve touched on, the Movie Prop locations are a bit different compared to previous collectibles in GTA Online.

On the map below you’ll see the 7 fixed locations, plus the three random events and the three locations of each random encounter. They’re colour coded to make things simpler. If you would prefer to use an interactive map, then we suggest using the one on, as you can mark off the collectibles as you progress to make sure you don’t miss any.

You’ll know when you’ve found all of Solomon Richard’s Movie Prop as you’ll get another text from Soloman the next time you enter a session which reads: “Everything back where it belongs. Well done, kid, you’ll go far in this town. Head into my office – I’ve left you a little token of my appreciation. Something money can’t buy. You’re welcome in advance.”

GTA Online Movie Prop Locations Video Guide

Once again the team at GTA Series Videos has pulled together a fantastic video guide showing you the precise locations of all Movie Prop Collectibles scattered across the Los Santos area.

If you prefer watching a video to show you where to look rather than using an interactive map, this is the video for you.


GTA Online Movie Prop Rewards

What do you get for delivering all 10 movie props in GTA Online?

Well, for starters every GTA Online Movie Prop you collect you’ll be rewarded with GTA$10,000. When you have returned all 10 movie props you’ll also earn an additional GTA$50,000 reward meaning its possible to earn a crisp GTA$150,000 in total for helping Soloman.

On top of this,  you’ll also earn RP, but it varies depending on which props you collect. Each fixed prop returned to Soloman will reward 5,000 RP, whilst the random event props will reward 2,000 RP, plus 100 RP for each wanted level successfully evaded. It means players could earn roughly 41,000 RP in total.

Finally, Soloman has one more gift for players. Once you return all 10 props you’ll unlock the “The Space Interloper” outfit, which can be found inside a cardboard box in Solomon’s office.


That’s everything you need to know about finding the GTA Online Movie Props, however, if you’re looking for more GTA guides then follow the links below for more helpful tips, tricks, and explainers.

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